New Milestone – Eighteen Months

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Here goes another post contents of which are highly biased and subjective, but true and honest to me, nevertheless. Another post dedicated to my adorable little ones (I almost see some of you yawning.) But in my opinion, the whole world must know that my babies have turned 18 months old this past week!

It’s quite a milestone in a toddler’s life. For one, they are finally legal in the Church Nursery (yay!) They’ve been hanging out there for about a year. Scott (if in town) and I have become volunteer Nursery leaders taking turns serving in our callings. But yesterday the babies were taken care of and it felt good playing piano in Primary without anyone pulling me off the chair.

I love to see my babies grow (never mind that they have figured out how to open doors and climb on tables), they are still the. cutest. munchkins. evah!

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